About Us


Hello! My name is Pedro, I’m 35 years old, born and raised in the city of Porto, and well, this is my adventure.

Our Story

I created Experience Oporto with the challenge of offering tourists the best that the city of Porto has to offer. It all began in 2012 when we learned about the opportunity to rent a traditional kiosk in the downtown area of the Invicta City. At that time, I was still studying, and my parents dedicated themselves to this new type of activity, which they were completely unfamiliar with. We had only planned for a traditional local business, but we quickly realized there was more to it. Tourism was abundant and rapidly growing, leading us to discover something within ourselves that we were previously unaware of. We began to learn about the dynamics of tourism, the offerings that Porto provided, and the dedication, commitment, and effort that the residents of this city put in to ensure that all visitors left with a desire to return. That's when our focus shifted entirely to tourism. Languages were perfected, knowledge increased, and feedback started pouring in. Today, with 12 years of experience, we know what Porto can offer. The North welcomes you.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be present. Porto is not "just another city." Porto is "that city." It's a city of charms, traditions, gastronomy, history, and unparalleled culture. Our commitment is to make the visitor's experience unique, with all our support and knowledge close at hand. We want to accompany every step and ensure that nothing goes wrong. We don't want to be just another common product-selling platform; instead, we want to be present in any situation or unexpected event. Lost the key to your accommodation at 4 in the morning? Contact us, we'll help. It's as simple as that. We may be complete strangers, but we are just a call away. We want you to carry Porto and our customs and values in your heart, always with the hope that you'll return. Our doors and arms will always be open.


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